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M_o_R® Re-Registration Packages

The M_o_R Examination Board has determined that all Practitioners should be re-registered within 3 years of their original certification. All Practitioners who have taken the M_o_R Practitioner qualification since October 2000 have agreed or are agreeing to this requirement as part of their initial application and so are now designated as Registered Practitioners. (The erstwhile shorter Re Registration exam for M_o_R has now been stopped and replaced by the full Practitioner Exam). The Re Registration will uphold Practitioner status for 3 years. To retain Practitioner status after this time one of the following routes will need to be taken: An active subscription to the AXELOS M_o_R membership scheme each year and Completing the required number of CPD points each year or alternatively : Taking the M_o_R Practitioner exam every 3 years.


  • M_o_R® 4 Day Classroom
  • Accredited Trainer Support
  • M_o_R® Manual
  • M_o_R® Course Handouts
  • M_o_R® Practitioner Examination

Exam Plus£429

  • M_o_R® Practitioner Examination
  • M_o_R® eLearning 7 days
  • Package Info
  • Options Map
  • Exam Prep Day
  • Re-Reg FAQs

M_o_R® Exam Preparation Day

Re-Registration Preparation - Event Time Table (day 1)

08:50 Meet

Meet & Discuss Content for the Day

Consolidation of the M_o_R® Process Model

Group and Individual Practical Work typically covering:
Examination and Question Style/Format
Examination Procedure; Hints & Tips

09.30 - 12.30 Sample Objective Test Questions and group review of answers.

12:30 Lunch

13:30 - 17:15 Sample Objective Test Questions and group review of answers (continued)

17.15 - 17.30 The Practitioner Exam - Final Hints & Tips

17:00 Close

Note: This will be a relatively structured day with opportunities for Practitioner Examination candidates to attempt the complete Sample Practitioner Examination. The event manager will provide help and support on an individual, as well as a group level. Actual order and coverage may differ depending on each course’s timings and the needs of the delegates.


M_o_R® Re-Registration Exam (day 2)

Practitioner Exam

10:20 Meet

10:30 Administration and Instructions for Re-registration Exam

10:40 APMG M_o_R® Re-registration Exam

The format of the Practitioner exam is:
- Objective-testing format
- 150 minutes duration
- Open book - candidates may make use of the Management of Risk: Guidance for Practitioners (the Management of Risk 'guide') published by TSO, together with the guidance document ABC Consulting Ltd. Sample Risk Documents and Worked Examples of some of the Common Techniques. No other material other than the Question Booklet, the Scenario Booklet and the Answer Booklet can be used

13:10 Admin and collection of exam papers

13:15 Re-registration Exam closes


M_o_R® Re-Registration FAQs

Why do I have to re-register?

Re-registration for M_o_R® has been available since the beginning of 2008. All M_o_R® Practitioners should be re-registered within 3 years of their original certification. Those who have taken the examination have agreed to this requirement as part of their initial application and so are now designated as Registered Practitioners.

All Practitioners certified have the opportunity to take the Practitioner examination in order to demonstrate their commitment to professional development. This is particularly important following the recent update to the M_o_R Guide.

By taking the Re-registration, candidates are able to demonstrate to employers and prospective employers the recency of their knowledge and commitment to Continuing Professional Development.

How long does my M_o_R® registration last for?

The registration has a validity of three years and Registered Practitioners will be required to take a Practitioner examination to confirm their competence in the M_o_R® Methodology before the end of the five year period.

What happens if I have gone past my 3-year period?

You should contact SPOCE who will be able to arrange the M_o_R® Practitioner exam for you. If you have exceeded the 3-year term, you can still take the 150 minute M_o_R® Practitioner exam. In the meantime you should be aware that your "Registered" status is lapsed, and this will show on the Successful Candidate Register.

What format is the M_o_R® Practitioner exam?

The Practitioner exam follows the same format as yur original M_o_R® Practitioner exam:
- Objective-testing format
- 150 minutes duration
- Open book - candidates may make use of the Management of Risk: Guidance for Practitioners (the Management of Risk 'guide') published by TSO, together with the exam guidance document ABC Consulting Ltd. Sample Risk Documents and Worked Examples of some of the Common Techniques. No other material other than the Question Booklet, the Scenario Booklet and the Answer Booklet can be used

The exam can be taken at any SPOCE exam venue or online.