Amazing offers on our next PRINCE2® Project Management course. Talk to the team on 01202 736 373 or email:

0% Interest-free payment plans available on all accredited courses

World class
training for
then spread the
balance over
12 months

Frequently Asked Questions

It's simple.
  1. I. Choose the course you wish to sit and contact our friendly training consultants with your requirements.
  2. II. Our training consultant will then run through the payment options with you and you can choose the option that is most suitable for your budget.
  3. III. A simple credit check will be made. You will also be asked to complete an affordability check to ensure you will be able to keep up with the payments.
  4. IV. You pay the initial deposit of £199 followed by the number of months that suits your budget (to a maximum of 12 months). When your payment has been processed and your credit check has been confirmed, you are all booked on and ready to go.

*AXELOS products can only be purchased with exams.

That's up to you. Let our team know how much you think you may wish to pay each month and they will find a plan that will suit your budget. You can spread your payments over any number of months up to a maximum of 12 months. An initial payment of £199 is also required.
No. All payment plans are interest free at 0% ARR.
Yes, as with most payment plans there will be a simple credit check.
Yes. Should your credit check be declined this may potentially affect your credit rating.
Yes, we will ask a series of questions just to make sure that the monthly payment option you have chosen is within your budget.
Yes. You can cancel or reschedule your course and if this is within 14 days of booking then your deposit will be refundable. After the 14 day cooling off period your deposit will be ‘non’ refundable. A booking commences as soon as your deposit is taken. Providing you have not already taken the course.
Your deposit is only refundable if you cancel your course within 14 days of booking. Providing you have not already taken the course.
Once you have passed our simple checks and paid your deposit you can book a course up to 3 days before the start date.
Yes you can pay for your PRINCE2 course offer, agile course offer or any other project management course offer in monthly instalments providing the course is a classroom or virtual classroom course.
Yes. Any course that is paid for in full (as per the price advertised on our website) qualifies for the Exam Resit SafetyNet.

AXELOS products can only be purchased with exams.
*Interest free payment plans: In order that we can provide our clients with affordable access to professional training, SPOCE can assist you to arrange personal finance (0% APR representative)for your course via PayItMonthly. uk. Minimum age 18. Simply contact our sales team by email or by phone on +44 (0) 1202 736373. Personal finance can be arranged for open/public events between £100 and £3000. Unfortunately, this is not available for corporate/client events or e-Learning courses.0% finance is available for Classroom-based and ONLIVE training courses as listed on our website By proceeding with any such agreement please be advised that you are consenting to a credit check being made with the credit reference agencies (CRAs). Under this finance arrangement, your course cost will be repayable by a non-refundable deposit followed by between 3 and 12 equal monthly payments, with the total repayable equal to the original purchase cost. Your deposit will be taken from your credit/debit card and subsequent monthly payments by Direct Debit from a suitable bank account under the name PayItMonthly FlexP. After the 14-day cooling-off period, or course attendance, whichever is earlier, your finance cannot be cancelled. Refunds after the 14 day cooling off period are not available under the Personal Finance Option. If you need to re-schedule (transfer) your course, the transfer charges above apply –payable immediately by card as these cannot be added to the PFO. If SPOCE have to cancel a course, alternative dates and locations will be provided. This offer is available to delegates outside of the UK providing they pass the relevant checks. The finance is provided and administered by PayItMonthly Ltd a limited liability company registered in England under company number 09719909 whose registered address is 2.2 Montpellier House, Montpellier Drive, CheltenhamGL50 1TY. VAT number: 227 9378 70. For any queries regarding your finance, you should contact

AXELOS Products can only be purchased with exams.